P l a y l i s t s

Just as yourself, I'm into independent music.
As you are aware, it's hard to find.
Give rucds.GEMM.com a try - I never fail to find what I need and often it comes very cheap.

F.X.Randomiz links:

From Forced Exposure site:
Artist: RANDOMIZ, F.X.
Title: Stack
Format: 12"
Price: $8.00
Catalog Number: SONIG 07
"Three-track single by this A-Musik mainstay, one half of Holosud, and with Jan Werner & Joseph Suchy, head of the Gefriem label. An extremely pleasing mix of extensive DSPs, carnival-esque melodies, and dodgy atmospheres, perhaps akin to a highly tricked-out/linear Mouse on Mars, or maybe a funkier Gescom/Autechre (ouch...). Damn, this is good...." -- Hrvatski.